Read the information for pharmacists with a non-Dutch diploma who wish to work in The Netherlands.
The pharmacy profession is regulated in The Netherlands. This means that access to this profession is regulated by law. Therefore, pharmacists with a non-Dutch diploma who wish to work in The Netherlands as a pharmacist need the approval of the Dutch authorities.
This websites outlines which steps you must undertake in order to be allowed to practice a regulated profession in The Netherlands. Follow the links in They will lead you to the address of the Dutch authority to which you should apply. Pharmacy assistants and technicians follow the same steps.
Application for specialism
Do you have a legally recognised specialism in addition to your diploma as pharmacist, doctor, health psychologist, dentist or nurse? If so, you can apply simultaneously for recognition of your basic profession and your specialism in the BIG-register.
Do you already have a BIG registration as a pharmacist? Start the procedure for recognition of your specialist diploma and registration as a specialist via (ziekenhuisapotheker) or (openbaar apotheker).

- Besluit Buitenlands gediplomeerden van het Centraal College specialismen farmacie.pdf Downloaden